Located in the Centre of Europe


Close to Main European Retailers

We are located at Fresh Park in Venlo close to the main European markets. We have experience to organise cooled transportation to the main retailers in Germany, Benelux, France, Austria and Scandinavia.

Good Network of Cooled Transportation

We are working with a broad network of transport companies that all share our high-quality standards and ensure a good tracking and tracing system. All to make sure the fruit arrives in the best condition possible!

High Flexibility

We understand the retail requirements with last minute orders and high flexibility in terms of volume and packaging. If needed we are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Let's work together

To get the best fruit to your customers!
Hortiblue Logistics B.V.
Venrayseweg 136A
5928 RH Venlo
The Netherlands
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