We care about your fruit

Quality Control

Quality Control and Registration

All incoming fruit is inspected by our quality control team according to the agreed standards with our customers. A detailed quality report will be provided. As a standard service the quality team will do regular quality controls of the inventory and outbound shipments.

Trained and with an eye for detail, we ensure that the best products reach our customers.

IFS and BRC certified

You can expect high-quality service from Hortiblue. Our quality team is focussed to continuously monitor and improve the quality of our processes. Hortiblue is certified according to IFS and BRC. We are also SKAL certified for processing organic fruit.

Ensured Traceability

Traceability is important to guarantee food safety. That is why we developed a system to register your fruit with clear tracking of critical information per batch throughout the whole process like country of origin, grower, variety, quality indicator and weight. Our customers will get online access to this information to monitor their own fruit.

Let's work together

To get the best fruit to your customers!
Hortiblue Logistics B.V.
Venrayseweg 136A
5928 RH Venlo
The Netherlands
Copyright 2025 Hortiblue | Whistleblower channel
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