We care about your results


Added Value

Fruits in general, and soft fruits especially, are a delicate product and need the upmost care. Our production team is experienced with sorting fruits.

The entire process takes place under the highest quality requirements, guaranteed with the quality systems BRC and IFS.

State-of-the-Art Sorting

Our machinery is suitable to sort fruit on various characteristics, including colour, firmness, size and other defects. The machines use digital image processing to make sure even the slightest defects are sorted out and the end-product is in the best condition possible.

However, we can adjust our machinery to match your requirements, to find the perfect balance between quality and pack out.

Best Results

We can assist to process any waste for IQF (Individual Quick Freezing).

These frozen fruits can be used for further processing in the food industry. We are making sure you get the most out of you fruit!

Let's work together

To get the best fruit to your customers!
Hortiblue Logistics B.V.
Venrayseweg 136A
5928 RH Venlo
The Netherlands
Copyright 2025 Hortiblue | Whistleblower channel
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